Kate Tomlinson - Board Certified Massage Therapist
Where your appointment is the most important one.

Before You Arrive...

Current guidelines do not mandate that clients wear a mask during massage.  If you feel you will be more comfortable with a mask, you are welcome to do so.  In that case, please bring a comfortable mask with you.  I have chosen to continue to wear a mask to ensure your safety. 

I will follow practice recommendations, as follows:
       a) I will not provide full face massage.  I will lightly massage the forehead, scalp, and ears.
       b) In addition to washing my hands, I will use hand sanitizer before and after each session. Hand sanitizer is available in the room for you.

Please take a moment to read the following information before you arrive for your appointment. I hope it addresses additional questions you may have.

Scope of Practice

I offer professional Massage Therapy and Bodywork in full compliance with the:

  • Laws of the State of California,
  • Regulations of the CA Massage Therapy Council (CAMTC), and
  • Codes of Ethics for the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) and the Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP).

The statement below (from the ABMP Code of Ethics) helps to clarify my Scope of Practice

"I shall not perform manipulations or adjustments of the human skeletal structure, diagnose, prescribe or provide any other service, procedure or therapy which requires a license to practice chiropractic, osteopathy, physical therapy, podiatry, orthopedics, psychotherapy, acupuncture, dermatology, cosmetology, or any other profession or branch of medicine unless specifically licensed to do so."

Note: Massage is not always the appropriate course to help you achieve your healthcare goals. If you are under a physician's care, or have any questions about the possible benefits to you, please consult your Primary Care Provider before your first appointment. Massage is not a substitute for comprehensive medical care.

Pre-Appointment Notes

Before you arrive, a few things to consider:

  1. Limit food intake for at least an hour before your appointment. A heavy meal prior to your session may make it uncomfortable to lie on the table or mat.
  2. If you plan to work out before your massage, please allow time to shower and cool down before scheduling your massage.  
  3. Hydrate - maintaining adequate hydration supports good health in general and helps to maintain your skin. Take care and don't overdo it.
  4. NO ALCOHOL - Massage increases circulation and can intensify the effects of alcohol on your system. If you appear impaired due to alcohol/drugs, your appointment will be canceled.
  5. Necklaces, earrings, bracelets, watches and rings should be removed prior to massage services. To avoid possible loss, please leave these items at home or in your locker.
  6. Cell Phones - unless you are 'On Call' for your job, cell phones MUST be turned off.
  7. Please fill out your health history as completely as possible. My intention is to have a positive impact on your health. In order to do this, honest communication is necessary.

During Your Appointment...

This information may address some of your questions:

  1. Upon your arrival, I will review your completed medical information forms (for new clients) or update any physical changes since your previous session (for returning clients). I will also check in with you about your goals for the session. I will show you where to prepare for the session and how to position yourself on the table or chair. Before starting your massage, I will have washed my hands.
  2. I will do my best to create a relaxing environment with low lighting, selected music, and aromatherapy to enhance your session. I will encourage you to freely voice any concerns during the massage. Once the session begins, I will refrain from actively engaging you in conversation unless instruction or feedback is necessary. However, if you would like to chat or ask questions, that is perfectly fine - This is your appointment, after all. Please feel free to inform me of any discomfort or request to apply more/less pressure, use the restroom, etc. at ANY time during the session.
  3. Most treatments begin with the client prone on the table, which has a specially designed face 'cradle' to allow you to rest face-down. This prevents possible tension on the neck muscles. If you experience any sinus pressure, you may turn your head and rest on your cheek.
  4. Clients sometimes report various responses that they may not have anticipated. These responses may not occur during every session, or with every client, but being aware of them may help ease some concerns:
    • Laughing or crying - massage and bodywork has the potential to unlock various emotional responses. Should this occur, I will gently ask if you would like me to continue, offer tissues, etc.
    • The need to talk -  Some clients become a bit nervous. If you express the need to have me pause the session, I will honor your request. Otherwise, I will continue.
    • Please Note - In any case, I will compassionately listen without offering any judgment or advice. I am not a counselor and must not cross professional boundaries.
  5. After I have completed work on your back, I will anchor the sheet/blanket and instruct you to slowly adjust your position in preparation for the 'face-up' portion of the session. At your own pace, you will lift your face out of the cradle and scoot toward the foot of the table (until your face is completely over the table not the cradle). Then you will slowly turn over and relax. At that time, I will make any necessary adjustments (to the blanket, bolsters), place a pillow under your head/neck, cover your eyes, and resume the session. 
  6. When the session is over I will encourage you to take slow deep breaths while I take a warm towel and remove the oil/lotion from your feet. (This is a safety precaution.)  I will then wash my hands.  If necessary, I would be happy to assist you to a seated position on the table.  I  then leave the room so you may get dressed and exit to your respective locker room.  For non-members, I will wait for you in main gym and escort you to the front desk.

After Your Appointment...

I will check with you to see how you are feeling and encourage you to drink more water for the next 24-48 hours.  Note: Some clients report feeling under the weather the day after their massage - this depends on their overall health and whether or not they increased their hydration after the massage. I will also give provide self-care recommendations based on what I found during the massage.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
© Copyright 2025  Kate Tomlinson - Board Certified Massage Therapist.  All rights reserved.